Confortul este deosebit la acest hotel.
Mi-a fost putin teama de zgomotul venit de la traficul din zona, dar izolarea fonica a fost excelenta.
Am putut sa ma odihnesc foarte bine.
Il recomand ca pozitie foarte centrala, confort si mai ales conteaza ca totul este nou-nout.
For a limited time we have lowered the rate on targeted website traffic. We have visitors from virtually every country on Earth. Each visitor is targeted by both country and keywords that you submit when you start your free trial period. If you need more visitors or product sales try our service free for seven days and we will send you 500 free visitors during the trial. There are no contracts and if you cancel during the trial period you will not be charged anything! Start your trial today:
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For a limited time we have lowered the rate on targeted website traffic. We have visitors from virtually every country on Earth. Each visitor is targeted by both country and keywords that you submit when you start your free trial period. If you need more visitors or product sales try our service free for seven days and we will send you 500 free visitors during the trial. There are no contracts and if you cancel during the trial period you will not be charged anything! Start your trial today:
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